Claim Form Recommendations
We get lots of questions about which HCFA 1500 claim forms to use. Here is our advise. Any of the standard HCFA / CMS 1500 forms will work. Most suppliers sell forms with and without bar codes at the top. Bar codes are used by some insurance companies to align the form for the scanners they use to read the data you have entered. If you are not sure, buy the bar coded forms. The only form issues we run into are when people use the old, tractor feed (pinwheel) forms in an inkjet or laser printer. The little nibs of paper that remain after the tear off can cause misalignment, as the printer may treat them as a bit more paper. Some people try to use the carbonless copy (the thin second sheet) from the tractor feed forms in their inkjets. This very thin paper may not move evenly through those printers and the form prints crooked.

Simple rule: For best results, get laser cut forms for a laser or inkjet printer and tractor feed forms for a tractor feed printer.

Through a deal with a forms manufacturer, we are now able to offer very high quality HCFA / CMS 1500 forms at great prices. These are the updated forms. Check out our form prices .

Or go directly to Ordering EASY HCFA 1500


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updated 02/15/04