Product Details
Now available for the Mac, a new version of our program.  Requirements-  Microsoft Office / Word 98 for the Mac, running OS 7.5 or above.   Cost is $58.50 with customization included.   All programs purchased for the Mac are delivered as a download from the web.

EASY HCFA 1500 presents you with a series of on-screen fields that you move through by using the TAB key. Each field corresponds to a location on the HCFA 1500 form. You can type in your text or pick the text you want from a menu list that drops down for you. On screen prompts advise you of the appropriate content for each area. When you have completed the data entry for a patient/client, save it with any name you like and then print it. When you next do a claim for that patient, simply bring up the form data you entered previously, change the dates of service and amounts (or anything else) and print onto a blank HCFA 1500 form. This copy too can be saved to disk. EASY HCFA 1500 was initially designed for the mental health service provider, but adapts readily to most other professions.

EASY HCFA 1500 works as an add-in to Microsoft Word. It has no effect on the speed with which Word operates. It requires very little disk space (approx. one fifth of a megabyte) or memory.  Entries are printed on blank HCFA 1500 forms that you supply and feed through your printer.

Your name and degree will be built into all programs. At no additional charge, we will be happy to customize your version of EASY HCFA 1500 Form Filler further so that your address, phone, professional license number, social security or Fed ID #, provider ID number(s) and "SIGNATURE ON FILE" for boxes 12 and 13 are printed automatically. The Custom program will also allow you to enter the name and address of the insurance carrier at the top to help keep you organized and to allow the use of mailing envelopes with windows in them. These features will save you lots of time by automating repetitive entries. We will also test print your copy on your HCFA forms before we send it to you, to make sure all entries line up well. 

Go to Ordering EASY HCFA 1500


© 1998-2004   K.L. Laytin, Ph.D.   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
updated 02/15/04